

Stay safe and informed on Europe’s roads with RoutingMe, the cutting-edge portal that delivers high-resolution weather forecasts specifically designed for the European road network. Developed and maintained by a team of expert meteorologists and engineers, RoutingMe combines state-of-the-art weather forecasting technology with smart algorithms to predict a variety of weather hazards that can impact road safety.

Offshore wind & wave climatology

Harness the potential of the wind and ocean with our specialized Offshore Wind & Wave Climatology studies. Our service offers comprehensive, data-driven insights into offshore wind and wave patterns, providing critical information for the planning, development, and operation of offshore energy projects. Whether you are in the early stages of site selection or optimizing an existing project, our expert analysis ensures you have the detailed, accurate climatological data needed to make informed decisions.

Ethiopia climatology

The Ethiopia Climatology Project is paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable future in Ethiopia. This comprehensive project was conducted to provide an in-depth understanding of Ethiopia's unique climate patterns, offering valuable insights that support effective decision-making in agriculture, water management, disaster preparedness, and sustainable development.